Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Location- about 997,740 sq. km
Capital City- Cairo
Major river- Nile river that divides Egypt in half
Deserts- Libyan, Nubian, and Easter
Topography- The highest lands are in the south of Egypt, towards the Mediterranean Sea. Some of the mountains reach over 2600 meters.
Climate- it's very dried and almost no rainfall in Egypt. They use Nile River for water and floods begin in June and end in October. Without Nile river, there won't be a county called Egypt.

When we think of geography of Egypt, we think of Nile river first so I will start with Nile. The black land was the bank of the Nile. People from Ancient Egypt called the bank of the Nile black land because the land there was god for growing crops.

The red land was the desert that protected Egypt on two sides. These deserts kept safe from neighboring countries and enemies. The red land also provided metals and precious stones such as jewels. The red lands are; Libyan, Nubian and Eastern.

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